We’ve all been there: we write a bit of
CSS code, save it, switch over to the browser, reload to see the
changes, and then go back to the editor, following the same tiresome
cycle over and over again. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tool that
automatically detects changes in the CSS and shows them in any Web
browser, without needing to manually refresh the page? It would,
wouldn’t it? Well, that’s exactly what Vogue does.
This tool reloads the style sheet (not the HTML) of a page in all browsers, and it can even be configured to reload a page automatically in multiple browsers at the same time. The tool doesn’t host your website but rather runs your website’s own local server. To use it, you just need to install NodeJS and npm. The project is open source (MIT licensed) and can be forked on Github.
Auto-Reload Style Sheets Whenever CSS Files Are Saved
Reviewed by JohnBlogger
5:04 PM
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