Automatic Placeholder Images

When designing websites, how often do you need placeholder images until the client can get the final visuals to you? Or perhaps you’ve designed a theme and need some images for the demo. In any case, it’s easy to spend hours searching Flickr for images that work with the design and then resizing or otherwise modifying them to fit. It’s a huge waste of time in most cases because the images will never make it to the production website.
Automatic Placeholder Images

That’s why Flickholdr is so handy. Using simple-to-understand URLs, you can embed images at whatever size you need, with the tags you need, and even in black and white. Say you need an image of a cityscape that’s 300 × 300 pixels and in black and white. Just type in, and you’ll get an image that fits. Change the parameters in the URL to whatever you need (the structure is,tag/bw), and you can add a /1 for the latest image. It even includes a copyright watermark with the proper credit. Please make sure to always ask the photographers for permissions to use their work according to the licenses they provided. (cc)
Automatic Placeholder Images Automatic Placeholder Images Reviewed by JohnBlogger on 4:34 PM Rating: 5

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