JavaScript Optimization and Monitoring in One

Developing, testing and debugging JavaScript code doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Proxino is a JavaScript optimization and monitoring app that offers developers a quite nifty feature. It lets you catch exceptions as they occur, with bug reports via email, saving you time and saving visitors from potential headaches. It also shows you the function where the exception occurred to make it easier to debug, even if the script was originally minified.
Proxino: JavaScript Optimization and Monitoring in One

Proxino is cross-browser compatible, and it offers a dashboard where you can monitor your history, white-list exceptions and organize them, all in real time. The tool also minifies and caches your JavaScript and CoffeeScript files so that they can be served more quickly to your visitors. The service uses lightning-fast proxy servers to speed up your website, but local fallbacks are always available, too. Thorough documentation is available on the website.
JavaScript Optimization and Monitoring in One JavaScript Optimization and Monitoring in One Reviewed by JohnBlogger on 5:58 PM Rating: 5

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