It is a well established fact that audiovisual methods of marketing and ads have a better effect on us compared to print and audio methods. We always respond to them better and are able to gain more information through them. Earlier, this trend was limited to the television but now because of the soaring popularity of the internet, use of online videos in marketing has increased to a great extent. Videos are a quick and interesting way to convey information which needs to be shared with our customers or viewers and they have been accepted well by the masses.
But when you think about incorporating an explainer video in your marketing plans, it sends chills down because obviously you personally do not know how to go about video making and editing and there is a possibility that you do not have the budget to hire a professional video maker to do your work. However, this problem seems solved now with a new software which is gaining ground quickly due to its high usability, affordability and
ease- The software is not only easy to use but requires basic knowledge about computers without the need of any technicalities. Read on to know more.Create Quick Videos- 3 Steps Action
The most important feature of makewebvideo is that it allows you to create an explainer video in around 30 minutes. The interface is simple and easy to understand and it doesn’t have a lot of fancy tools which create confusion for the beginners; all the important tools are present which means the videos will be created at a good speed without any scope for confusion or misunderstanding. Best part is that now you are the master of your business and you do not need to take help from anyone in managing your videos. You can answer the FAQs of your viewers through the video, share the video at the desired time and make new ones when you need them. This way you have the full control. The video can be created in 3 simple steps, the steps being- 1. Selecting the template according to your business requirements. 2. Inserting the video elements like images, audios, and the text which is the core of the video. 3. Once your video is complete now the third step is to share it and embed it wherever required. These are 3 easy steps in which you make your video.
Multiple Choices
The heading sums up the core features of this software as it provides us with multiple choices in almost everything it consists of. This includes hosting services which the software provides with, and there is no need to go around looking for providers who are slow but expensive. The software allows you to stream videos fast and share it wherever you want at a great speed.
The other features it provides multiple choices in includes a wide range of templates and multiple formats and platforms. Businesses are wide ranging and no one business is exactly similar to the other one. This is why the software provides us with a huge array of video templates to choose from, which will let you produce whiteboard explainer videos, animated cartoon videos, corporate videos and a number of other styles of videos. It also provides us with multiple choices in the formats and platforms where we want to run our video on and is compatible with most of the popular ones. This way you won’t face a problem in running your video on any platform.
High Quality Videos
Just because the software is easy to use and is convenient doesn’t mean the quality of the videos will be bad. Through makewebvideo, the videos you make will be of HD quality and you can make use of 3D graphic template as well for creating a more impacting effect in the video. The use of the most popular software Adobe After Effects in the backend gives it an edge over other online video creators.
It’s Affordable As Well!
Now that you have read about the features and all the things the software provides you with, the idea of the pricing must have become far fetched in your mind considering the features this software offers. But no, here too there won’t be any disappointment as it is attractively priced with you spending only $29 for the whole package. Not only is it very affordable to make an explainer video, but it also gives you the option of 100% money back if you are not satisfied with the videos which have been created. This means small and medium enterprises can afford it as well.
All in all, it is an excellent software helping people handle and grow their businesses by creating online videos quickly, easily and in a cost effective manner. In short, makewebvideo will help you take your businesses to another level of marketing.
Affordable explainer video for your website at Make Web Video
Reviewed by JohnBlogger
11:34 AM
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