Evaluate and Test Your Accessibility Efforts

SitePoint Next

Evaluating Your Accessibility Efforts

If we don’t test whether our accessibility efforts work, there’s not much point in making the effort in the first place. Without testing, we can’t tell how our site will hold up when used by real people. The success of a product will depend on whether the target audience is able to achieve their goals via their chosen technologies. These goals can therefore be used as success criteria against which the product can be tested.
In Chapter 6 of Acessibility for Everyone, Laura Kalbag outlines how you can evaluate and test the accessibility of your site. She'll show you how to make a plan, how to use a testing matrix like the one shown below, and how to use accessibility evaluation tools such as WebAIM's Wave.
A screenshot of the browser extension in action
Beyond using automated tools, she'll also show you how to test accessibility with people as that's the closest you’ll get to tangible scenarios. Finally, you'll learn how to implement an ongoing testing regimen to ensure that your site remains accessible over time.
Book cover image

Accessibility for Everyone

Let Laura Kalbag guide you through the accessibility landscape: understand disability and impairment challenges; get a handle on important laws and guidelines; and learn how to plan for, evaluate, and test accessible design.
Start your subscription today and you'll get access to this book, plus 300+ other web design and development books in SitePoint Premium!
Until next time,
James at SitePoint
Evaluate and Test Your Accessibility Efforts Evaluate and Test Your Accessibility Efforts Reviewed by JohnBlogger on 7:00 PM Rating: 5

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