Easily Share Localhost : Showoff

Demonstrating your ongoing projects could be a huge pain. In general, your best option is to upload the files to a server somewhere. You could prepare a video or send over a huge package of files or just .zip it somewhere on project collaboration website. But waht if just want to quickly show someone a project you're working on without sending over the large files?
Showoff.io: Easily Share Localhost

Showoff aims to solve this problem. Just use the show command, and Showoff creates a "tunnel" between your computer and the Web. Share the URL with whoever needs to view the local files, and you're all set. A five-minute sharing session is free (great if you just need some quick feedback). If you need to provide access for longer, you can get a one-day pass for $1, or get unlimited access for $5 per month.
Easily Share Localhost : Showoff Easily Share Localhost : Showoff Reviewed by JohnBlogger on 4:27 PM Rating: 5

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