Educate Your Clients

Clients sometimes approach Web design projects with specific ideas in mind. Many of them have read an article here or there or spoken with a self-proclaimed expert who told them that one rule or another of Web design was unbreakable. And so your client comes to you insisting that everything be kept "above the fold" or that you should do something that just doesn't make sense to professional designers any more (and perhaps never did).
Educate Your Clients

Enter Wee Nudge. It's a collection of helpful articles, broken down by topic, that give you the information you need to convince clients that their way isn't necessarily the only way to do things. Articles are from leading sources in the Web design and graphic design industries, including A List Apart, AIGA and more.
Educate Your Clients Educate Your Clients Reviewed by JohnBlogger on 4:26 PM Rating: 5

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